How to Find the Right Bakery Supplier?

June 8, 2022

Whether you sell Danish cookies, baked pizzas, or artisan bread, every leading supplier has a particular niche of high-quality baking ingredients when it comes to supplies. So, if you’re struggling with hiring a bakery supplier, or if you want to modify your menu, here’s a complete guide to help you out:

First, Figure Out Your Menu

What bakery products do you sell? Is it a limited range of gluten-free products? Is it an exclusive baked goods outlet? Or do you want to sell everything from regular ice cream to the highest quality of coffees?

Clearly, you have a wide range of menu options, but you’ll need to filter out options according to the type of food service you want to deliver. Consequently, you will have a shorter list to choose your bakery supplier from!

Second, Understand Your Requirements

Okay, so you’ve decided on your menu. You may sell bagels or cheesecakes or whatever else you like. Now the next step is knowing your requirements for this specific menu.

For pizzas and bread, are you going to find a flour and yeast supplier? Or do you want to hire a frozen dough company? If you have a small staff, you may want to go for frozen doughs, but if you want a complete hand-tossed pizza, your chef will prefer individual dough ingredients!

Similarly, every type of bakery item you’re selling may have more than one way to prepare it, which means different ingredients. So, you’ll have to determine your bakery supplier options differently for raw, semi-prepared, or even fully prepared ingredients.

Lastly, Factor in Your Cost

All bakery suppliers have different packages for different ingredients. The type of supplies you can afford depends on your own investments, the price range you set, the incurring expenses, and your own profit margin.

So, is your bakery located in a bustling subway where people look for everyday ready-to-eats? Or have you rented a high-budget place in an expensive galleria with some of the best chefs in town? Depending on these differences, you may go for high-end or low-end bakery suppliers. Don’t worry, though. You can find great options in both ranges!

Summing Up

The type of bakery supplier you have determines whether you can make it or break it. It may take some time to eventually find your right match, but you’ll eventually understand which arrangement works best for you!

To find out how we can help your business, contact us today.